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     “Who says you have to wait for the party,” Lucina argued. “Look around. There are so many men out there to—”
     Lucina’s words cut off abruptly. Her eyes went wide, and she just stared. It was such a shocking reaction that Eadlin went still, too.
     “What is it?” she whispered. “What’s wrong?”
     “Behind you.” Her friend’s voice was low and hoarse. “Dear sweet Jesus. He’s gorgeous.”
     Just another man. Eadlin relaxed and started to shake her head, but Lucina grabbed her arm in an almost painful grip.
     “I’m serious. You have to look at this one. Dark, brooding and mysterious. Just like your stranger.”
     Laughter bubbled up, but the look in Lucina’s eyes made her choke it back. Then a prickling heat on her neck made her go tense again.
     “He’s looking this way,” Lucina hissed. “Right at us. At you. Look at him, Eadlin. Look at him.”
     There was a part of her who knew if she did so, she’d never be the same again. But Eadlin Knight had never been a coward, so ignoring her pounding heart, she turned.
     Immediately she saw the man Lucina was talking about. His dark, exotic good looks and smoldering presence was unmistakable. And score one for Lucina.
     He was gorgeous.
     “Didn’t I tell you?” Lucina patted her heart and sighed. “Handsome and built. With that long, dark hair and that rugged face, he reminds me of some hero right out of a gothic novel. And that body. Double yum. That’s a man who takes care of himself.”
     Eadlin couldn’t say a word. She barely heard Lucina’s ramblings. All she could do was stare at the man and try to catch her breath.
     Lucina wasn’t wrong. He did look like something right off a romance cover. But he was more than that. Oh, so much more.
     His gleaming dark hair swept his shoulders, leading down to a body that was muscular and strong. He wasn’t classically handsome, but his utter masculinity made him extremely attractive. He had the look of authority about him, but she didn’t recognize him. If he was part of her social circle, she’d never met him.
     Watching him, she had the sudden impression of mighty forests, a champion’s strength and a creature’s fury.
     It didn’t make sense, and Eadlin blinked at the fanciful thought.
     But a moment later, none of that was important. Their gazes met, and she could only stare spellbound into a pair of beautiful, clear violet-blue eyes that held such a combination of mystery and loneliness, she was staggered. And even more unexpected was the desire that rushed through her like a raging river. Her panties were drenched in an instant.
     Then, before she could do or say anything, a crowd of entertainers came between them. Impatiently she waited for the laughing, jostling crew to make their way past. But when they did, she nearly cried out in frustration.
     Her gorgeous, mysterious stranger was gone.


***end of excerpt***


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