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To give my readers something special, I have created these magical trading cards celebrating my wonderful fantasy romance series...

 The Mylari Chronicles

This first set of cards will be of some of the characters from Book One in the series, Eyes of Fire.  Two cards will be released with every book, beginning with the hero and heroine of Eyes of Fire, Talia and Calion.

A randomly selected trading card will be given FREE with each purchase of the book.   Make your purchase HERE and then send a copy of the receipt to CJ at womanofthewind@yahoo.com.  Include your snail mail address for shipping of the card(s).

Each card will be autographed and dated by the author, as well as the being signed by the inspiration for each of these characters. The cards are 4 x 5 glossy quality prints and have information on the backside about each of the characters pictured.

If you would like to have others in the collection, you may have them FREE as well, only paying a small fee for shipping and handling.

Order your cards by character name and amount needed by sending an email with the information to womanofthewind1@yahoo.com.  Please put "Mylari Chronicles Trading Cards" in the subject line and you will be contacted with payment information

Shipping and handling for one card is 75 cents.  25 cents for each additional card after that.

If you are ordering outside the U.S.,  international shipping price is $3.00 for the first card, 50 cents for each additional card after that.

Pay by Money Order, or with your Paypal account.  If using Paypal, please add 3% to any amount to cover their handling fee.

Enjoy the fun of collecting and trading.  And check back for more characters from this mystical new world.


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